
Our ProcessesExtrinsic provides research and intelligence analysis for organisations, with a view to reducing uncertainty and identifying opportunity. Our expertise supports: - Corporate Governance and ICT Governance:
- Investigation of opportunity and risk management;
- Strategy development and review;
- Implementation of strategic plans; and
- Monitoring of business change.
- Feasibility studies and business evolution;
- Entrepreneurship and commercialisation;
- Evaluation of alternative opportunities;
- Monitoring of change within business and within the business environment; and
- Project Environments:
- Information Management;
- Requirements Analysis;
- Independent Reviews; and
- Most Probable Outcomes.
Our processes include: - Research utilising:
- Open source information (publicly accessible);
- Internal information (from the client);
- Non-searchable unclassified information ('deep web');
- Academic sources (published papers, research applications); and
- Commercial reference sources.
- Critical and unbiased thinking (hypothesis generation);
- A target-centric approach that uses models to treat:
- The target as a complex system; and
- Complex targets as a network of interrelated forces.
- Temporal analysis:
- Evolution of trends versus current situation;
- Application of Information Dynamics; and
- Projections versus current status.