Ethics and Culture 

Integrity and respect are the most important aspects of our culture.

Our code of ethics is promoted within Extrinsic and with our clients. 

  • Respect the client and the client’s company – they are central to everything we do.
  • Comply with all applicable laws; domestic and international.  This includes a total ban on any action that could be interpreted as espionage.
  • Should confidential material come into our possession, by any means, it will not be used for any purposes whatsoever, unless written permission is first obtained from the legal owner.
  • Client information is always treated as confidential.  Under no circumstances will confidential information be used for investment purposes, or for any other purpose, except the conduct of Extrinsic’s business with the client.
  • Conflicts of interest will be declared as soon as they become apparent.
  • Honest and realistic recommendations and conclusions will be provided in the execution of one's duties.
  • Extrinsic and its clients will be advised of all issues, honestly, openly and without unneeded drama.
  • All relevant information, including one's identity and organization, will be accurately disclosed prior to all interviews.
  • No gift or entertainment should ever be directly or indirectly offered, given, provided or accepted by you or a member of your family to or from any customer, supplier or competitor of Extrinsic unless it:
(a) Is not a cash gift,
(b) Is consistent with customary business practices,
(c) Is not excessive in value
(d) Can not reasonably be construed as a bribe or payoff, and
(e) Does not violate any laws or regulations.